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Unlock a World of Knowledge at Encora’s Insights Hub

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Essential Guide to AWS Migration: Steps and Strategies

Discover the key steps and strategies for a successful AWS migration. Learn why AWS is a top cloud ...

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Dynamic Pricing Reimagined: Leveraging AI to Balance Profitability and Customer Trust

Building upon the previous article, Dynamic pricing, a long-standing practice now enhanced by AI ...

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Mastering Microsoft Azure Migration: A Comprehensive Guide

Learn about Azure Migrate, the Microsoft Azure migration process, tools, and services with our ...

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Building AI-Ready Infrastructure for Scalability and Success

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Harnessing RAG: LangChain vs. Pandas for Superior Conversational Analytics

Selecting appropriate tools in conversational analytics can greatly impact the effectiveness and ...

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Future-proofing Skills: Thriving in the Transforming Energy & Utilities industry

Introduction The energy industry in the US ranked as the world's second-largest producer and ...

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Real-Time Communication Simplified: A Deep Dive into Server-Sent Events (SSE)

Introduction In modern web development, data exchange between clients and servers forms the ...

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Bank Modernization: Leveraging Technology for Competitive Advantage

In today’s highly competitive business environment, banks are encountering significant challenges ...

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Optimizing Gen AI Model Performance: Continuous Improvement Strategies for Production

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Making Dynamic Pricing Truly Dynamic – Win-win Approach for Customers and Retailers

Dynamic Pricing (DP) is a well-established practice leveraged with precision by organizations such ...

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Generative AI: Transforming the Insurance Industry

Gen AI advancements are redefining the world in which we live, and the insurance sector is no ...

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Adopting a Cloud Cost Management Culture: 4 Best Practices to Consider

Cloud computing has fundamentally transformed how businesses operate, offering unprecedented ...

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Intelligent Query Agent (IQA) for the Modern Digital Learner

Introduction I waded into JRR Tolkien’s gargantuan epic ‘Lord of the Rings’ (LOTR) a little late in ...

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Navigating UX Strategy: From User Needs to Business Goals

Imagine you are visiting a new coffee shop that just opened in your city downtown. You are excited ...

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Cloud Repatriation: A Step Backwards?

Rethinking Cloud Repatriation: Why Companies Consider Moving Away from the Cloud The journey to the ...

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Proprietary vs. Open-Source LLMs: Best Choice for Enterprises

Enterprise LLMs: Why Use a Proprietary LLM Over Open-Source LLM for Deploying Gen AI? As businesses ...

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O-RAN Architecture Overview

The evolution towards O-RAN (Open-RAN) architecture stands as a transformative milestone in the ...

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Multi-Cloud Cost Management with FinOps: Unlock Savings and Success

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Reimagining Grid Efficiency & Sustainability with Digital Twin Technology

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Modernizing Aging Assets Through Commitment to Digital Excellence and Sustainability

This article was published for Altair you can view the original here.

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Reimagining Loyalty for the Digital Native Generation

Remember when you were a kid, and your parents promised you dessert if (and only if) you first ate ...

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The Potential of O-RAN to Revolutionize Telecom Networks

O-RAN (Open RAN) is a Telecom industry initiative that aims to revolutionize the current RAN (Radio ...

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Data Excellence as the Foundation for AI Success Amidst the ‘Good Enough’ Data Perspective

“79% of corporate strategists say that analytics, artificial intelligence (AI) and automation will ...

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Loyalty Travel Rewards

Our previous article explored how travel companies can use blockchain to enhance loyalty programs, ...

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E-Commerce to Immersive Commerce with Apple Vison Pro: My Jewelry App

Introduction Emerging technologies such as AI, spatial computing, edge computing, and blockchain ...

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Policy as Code with Kyverno

Kubernetes is the industry standard for container orchestration.

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Accelerating Cloud Ops: Crafting a Multi-account Strategy for AWS

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How Gen AI Can Prevent Physician Burnout

If you've ever watched Hollywood's take on the medical life, and wondered if there really is as ...

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Unlocking the Potential of Gen AI for the Automotive Industry

Generative AI is revolutionizing many aspects of the Automotive industry. By exploring some ...

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Narrowing Down a Use Case for Shared Loyalty in Travel

Building upon the previous article, to fulfill Generation Z’s new needs, this use case explores a ...

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Exploring The Potential of Web3 for Shared Loyalty in Travel

A Point of View on How Loyalty in Travel Could Evolve from Web2 to Web3 Generation Z is ...

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E-commerce 4.0: The Emerging World of Immersive Commerce

E-commerce has revolutionized how we shop, offering convenience, and accessibility at our ...

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Maximizing Engineering Performance: A Deep Dive into Platform Teams Dynamics

Organizations are in constant need of practices to enhance their engineering performance and ...

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Improving the Dev Experience with Ethereum: Leveraging Account Abstraction

The Ethereum blockchain has been at the forefront of innovation in the decentralized finance (DeFi) ...

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Deploying your application to StarlingX with FluxCD

This article was published for StarlingX you can view original here. The article is part of a blog ...

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Fine-Tuning Large Language Models – Challenges and Best Practices

In the article Fine-Tuning Large Language Models, we saw when it makes sense to Fine-Tune a Large ...

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Fine-Tuning Large Language Models

Fine-tuning, a transformative process in the realm of natural language processing, empowers us to ...

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Part 3: Provisioning AWS Managed Blockchain (AMB) for Hyperledger Fabric (HLF)

This is the third article in a series that explores the provisioning of blockchain and Web3 ...

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Transforming Retail and CPG: Embrace Unified Commerce to Enhance Your Customer's Experience

The Imperative for Unified Commerce and Integration Retail and consumer packaged goods (CPG) ...

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Mapping and Improving UX Maturity Levels

Recent worldwide studies are mapping the UX design maturity levels of companies. The studies rank ...

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Overcoming FHIR Implementation Challenges

Health data availability has been growing quickly, along with the need from consumers and ...

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Improving the Dev Experience with Ethereum: Leveraging Account Abstraction

The Ethereum blockchain has been at the forefront of innovation in the decentralized finance (DeFi) ...

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From Idea to Product - using Impact Mapping and User Story Mapping techniques

Learn to prototype using Impact Mapping and Story Mapping techniques with Johan Muir, our Senior ...

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Anomaly and Fraud Detection in 5G

Fraud has grown in several verticals in recent years. For years, Encora has been working with ...

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Exploring .NET as a Frontend Developer

In this webinar, we'll explore how you can leverage knowledge from frameworks such as Angular to ...

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eGuides & Whitepapers

The Gen Z Travel Blueprint: What Gen Z Really Wants When Trip Planning

This study focuses on regional differences between Gen Zers in the US and Europe and how their ...

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The Challenges of and Solutions to IoT Adoption in Healthcare

In this webinar, we provide an overview of the challenges of and solutions to IoT adoption in ...

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Effectively Managing Software Development Partner Transitions

In this webinar, we discuss best practices and recommendations to successfully manage partner ...

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Securing Generative AI: Essential Strategies to Protect Your Business

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Metaverse: Tech Fundamentals That Enable Richer Virtual Experiences

The Metaverse is the experiential (re)evolution of the internet where people can interact with each ...

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Blockchain: Fundamentals and Applications

Blockchain' is one of the current "buzz" words phrases that have gained the greatest traction ...

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Declarative UI Is the Way: Jetpack Compose

Jetpack Compose, based on Declarative UI, uses Kotlin as its main language. This powerful toolkit ...

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Creating a Blockchain Decentralized App (dApp): Digital Education Certificates

Smart Contracts are a promising application of Blockchain, enabling businesses to automatically ...

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AI Generative Tools and Artificial Creativity

Image generation tools such as Dall-E have recently exploded in popularity, but their internal ...

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Cloud Design Patterns for Security and Scalability

Cloud Service Providers offer a wide range of services that can accelerate and facilitate ...

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Computational Mathematics and Applications

Computational Mathematics involves leveraging mathematical principles and computer technology to ...

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Mobile Testing: A Journey from Concept to Practice and Trends

Mobile apps have become the default option for businesses across the globe to expose their products ...

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Gamification: The Road to an Engaging User Experience

When designing products or services, designers strive to create the ideal experience for end users ...

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Legacy Service Modernization: Four Pillars to Succeed

The path to achieving modernization is not always straightforward, and the challenges are all too ...

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From Chatting to Testing: ChatGPT Takes on QA

In an era In today's rapidly evolving software landscape, your approach to QA testing can mean the ...

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Design Matters: The Impact of Aesthetic UX on User Engagement

In an era where user experience dictates product allegiance, understanding the nuances of Aesthetic ...

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Elevated Cybersecurity: Privilege Identity Management and Zero Trust

We will provide an overview of the importance of integrating Zero Trust principles in privilege ...

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Unlock GenAI's Potential for Enhanced Product Experiences and Streamlined Management

Gain valuable insights into leveraging AI in product management, from optimizing product lifecycle ...

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Fast-Track Deployment: Unlocking Seamless Releases with Feature Environments

This webinar explains how industry leaders can swiftly deploy code changes, covering the release ...

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eGuides & Whitepapers

Enhancing Business Value with Generative AI

Explore the transformative impact of generative AI and discover strategic approaches for ...

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Part 2: TechDesign—Shift Traditional Banks Services into Web3 Era

Our previous article explored how banks can use blockchain to enhance client services, focusing on ...

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Common Misconceptions About Digital Accessibility

Every year, the number of web accessibility lawsuits brought to federal court in the US sets a ...

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Apple Vision Pro and Meta Quest 3: The ultimate Mixed Reality headset?

Have you ever wondered how the first Virtual Reality headset came into being? The first headset or ...

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Account Abstraction ERC-4337 architecture analysis

The Ethereum blockchain has been at the forefront of innovation in the decentralized finance (DeFi) ...

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A Developer's Guide to package.json Best Practices: From Basics to Mastery

In the ever-evolving landscape of software development, understanding and implementing best ...

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Common Misconceptions About Digital Accessibility

Every year, the number of web accessibility lawsuits brought to federal court in the US sets a ...

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Grey Matters – New Neuroscience Insights That Supercharge Your Learning Interventions

“We all are gifted, and that is our inheritance.” Ethel Waters

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Part 1: Shift Traditional Banking to Web3 by Leveraging Existing Ecosystems

Unveiling the First Layer: The Business Use Case. This is part one of a three-part journey that ...

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Enhancing Transportation with Vehicle-to-Everything (V2X) Communication

Safeguarding the lives of pedestrians and drivers stands at the core of automotive innovation. Most ...

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The Future of Media: At the Intersection of Innovation and Technology

The media and entertainment industry is in a transformative revolution, where change is not just a ...

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Scaling Generative AI with API - The High-Notes and the Pitfalls

The rapid emergence of generative AI models like ChatGPT, Stable Diffusion, and DALL-E has sparked ...

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Connecting with Gen Z Travelers Through Personalized Digital Experiences

The emergence of Generation Z in the global market, notably in the travel sector, signals a major ...

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Generative AI: Paving the Path to Democratized Coding and Transformation in Insurance and Healthcare

This article was published on Medium. You can view the original content here.

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Unifying Organization-Wide CI/CD Workflows: Establishing a Centralized Repository for Azure Pipelines

Organizations today strongly emphasize streamlining their deployment processes and expect to ship ...

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Breaking the Monolith: A Tale of ELT Job Optimization in Snowflake

In our previous Snowflake performance-related blog “Mastering Snowflake Performance Tuning and Cost ...

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Deploying your application to StarlingX

This article was published for StarlingX you can view original here. Deploying your own application ...

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Boosting Product Quality Through the Agile Mindset

Quality has always been a key aspect of product development. No matter what it is we are building, ...

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Comparing Google Vertex AI vs AWS Sagemaker vs Amazon Bedrock

Generative AI platforms have transformed the landscape of machine learning, offering advanced ...

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Unlocking Your Agile Potential: Embracing the Golden Circle of Scalability

As companies seek to thrive in an increasingly complex and rapidly changing business landscape, ...

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Precision in Probabilities: Navigating Data's Depths with Snowflake's Estimation Functions

Data has taken center stage in the digital era, emphasizing data analytics and database management. ...

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Mastering Snowflake Performance Tuning and Cost Optimization: Encora's Expertise

In the ever-evolving landscape of cloud-based data warehousing, Snowflake stands out as a powerful ...

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Exploring the power of GenAI and Schema-Driven API test generation: The results.

In a previous article (Efficient API Test Automation: Exploring the power of GenAI and ...

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Exploring the power of GenAI and Schema-Driven API test generation

As businesses grow more dependent on interconnected applications, the demand for comprehensive and ...

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A Peek into the World of 3D Character Modeling

Introduction In the digital world, 3D characters have become the backbone of immersive experiences, ...

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Real-Time Patient Smart Health Card Service Using Azure API Management

In the dynamic landscape of healthcare and pharmacy network solutions, Encora has developed an ...

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Microsoft Purview: Empowering a Medicaid-Focused Healthcare Provider with Modern Data Governance

In today's healthcare landscape, Medicaid-focused organizations need to manage and govern their ...

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Real-Time Patient Smart Health Card Service Using Snowflake's Search Optimization Feature

In the dynamic landscape of healthcare and pharmacy network solutions, Encora has developed an ...

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Boost Your NLP Projects with Amazon SageMaker and TII’s LLM Model

In the ever-evolving field of Natural Language Processing (NLP), staying ahead of the curve is ...

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Designing Intuitive AR Experiences: Fundamentals for UX Designers Exploring Augmented Reality

"Design is not just what it looks like and feels like. Design is how it works." - Steve Jobs

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Beyond Controllers: Apple’s Vision Pro Brings Hand Gestures and Eye Tracking to Virtual Worlds

Apple’s Vision Pro introduces a paradigm shift in how users will navigate immersive, virtual ...

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Why Generative AI Requires Businesses to Build Their Data Capabilities

GenAI has unleashed a wave of innovation and transformation across industries. If data was the new ...

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Introduction to OpenTelemetry

Observability is a concept related to how much of a system can be understood from the signals it ...

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Mixed Reality Experience for Mobile Devices

Usage of AR software for Product Visualization. Source: Picture by Mira Miroshnichenko/Pexels

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Decoding future of STLC by blending Generative AI with “Prompt Mastery.”

Image Source: Created using Canva

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Driving into the Future: AI and Tech Revolutionizing the Automotive Industry

Introduction The automotive industry has long been synonymous with innovation and progress, but in ...

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Unlock the Power of AutoML with Google's Vertex AI: Revolutionize Your Machine Learning Projects

In the realm of machine learning, the ability to harness the potential of AI without a deep ...

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In Depth – Leveraging the Power of DRL in Insurance

In Depth – Leveraging the Power of DRL in Insurance Staying ahead of the curve is crucial in the ...

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Navigating the Ethics of Generative AI in Learning and Development

2001: A Space Odyssey, a remarkable sci-fi book and movie released in 1968 about astronauts on a ...

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SwiftData: Persisting Data Using Declarative Code

At this year's Worldwide Developers Conference (WWDC), Apple introduced many new technologies to ...

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Exploring the World of Generative AI with Google's Vertex AI

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has taken remarkable strides in recent years, and one of the most ...

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Unleashing the Power of Azure Application Insights in Enterprise Applications

In today’s technology-driven world, gaining deep insights into application performance and behavior ...

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Exploring the Creative Power of Generative AI and its Innovations

In the ever-evolving landscape of artificial intelligence, one paradigm has gained significant ...

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Harnessing Stored Procedures and Tasks for Snowflake Native Data Transformation (ELT) Pipelines

The exponential data volume, variety, and velocity growth have increased the significance of ...

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Implementing SSO in Enterprise Applications Using OpenID Connect

"Single Sign-On" is an authentication mechanism that enables users to log in and access multiple ...

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Hosting Single-Page Applications in Amazon S3

Single-page applications dynamically update content without a full page reload, providing seamless ...

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Integrating Accessibility Coverage Early in the Development Process

Historically, "accessibility" has referred to designs that enable people with disabilities to ...

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Leveraging Snowflake Snowpipe for Continuous Data Ingestion

Over the years, there has been a steady increase in demand for getting real-time or near real-time ...

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Generate High-Quality Test Data Using Snowflake Python Worksheets

As data becomes the lifeblood of modern enterprises, efficient data processing and transformation ...

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7 DevSecOps Best Practices

Development, security, and operations (DevSecOps) is a collaborative development framework that ...

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Scattered to Shielded: Generative AI’s Strategy for Predicting and Strengthening Software Test Coverage

Summary This article reveals how Generative AI takes a multi-pronged approach to safeguarding ...

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Developer's Journey: Crafting Spatial Experiences with Unity and VisionOS

Spatial computing is an emerging technology that involves the integration of the digital world with ...

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How to Introduce AI Integration in Test Automation Projects

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has transformative implications for automation testing adoption by ...

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Enhancing Interactions with LLMs and ReAct Prompting using LangChain Library

Large Language Models (LLMs) like GPT-4 and the innovative technique of ReAct prompting have the ...

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Apple Vision Pro: Revolutionizing the Virtual Reality Landscape

Introduction to VR Headsets The digital universe, for decades, has been an entity primarily ...

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Risk-Based Monitoring: Evolution of Clinical Trials from On-Site to Remote Model

Abstract Clinical trial monitoring is an essential component of any clinical study, ensuring ...

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Design Thinking for Learner Experience

Design Thinking in Daily Life Have you ever wondered why the tables at Starbucks are circular? Are ...

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The Impact of AI-Generated Content in the Marketing Industry

What does the rise of Generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) mean for the Marketing industry? This ...

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The Economics of LLMs

In Choosing the right LLM we explored how to select an LLM based on the model architecture and ...

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Azure Case Study: Enterprise Systems Integration Using Azure Logic Apps and Service Bus

Encora designed and implemented an Azure cloud-based scheduler for automating work scheduling for a ...

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How to Migrate from JavaScript to TypeScript

Migrating code from JavaScript to TypeScript can be complex and challenging but also rewarding. ...

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How to Leverage OWASP ZAP to Increase Application Security

When it comes to securing web applications, the Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP) is a ...

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Writing Effective Software Requirements. Part 2 – examples

Theory is just theory. I need more practical examples Read the part 1. (link) In this section, ...

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Empowering Metaverse Experiences

The metaverse has emerged as an appealing promise that has sparked the imaginations of millions ...

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Techniques to Use ChatGPT to Generate High-Quality Test Cases

The sophisticated large language model ChatGPT was trained using a variety of methods in this ...

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Choosing the right LLM

Choosing the right model for your specific use case may prove to be a very complex endeavor. The ...

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Class Components vs Functional Components in React

Components are regular JavaScript functions that return renderable results. These components can be ...

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Better Site Experience: Service Workers to Your Rescue!

Ever wondered how famous B2C sites like Twitter.com, Trivago.com, Pinterest.com, ...

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Writing Effective Software Requirements. Part 1 – theory

Writing good requirements for a software application is essential for its successful development. I ...

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