
Secure Identity on the Go Company

Secure Identity on the Go Company


Delivery Center: Brazil

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Secure Identity on the Go Company


Delivery Center: Brazil

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Industry Context

The Travel & Hospitality industry was severely impacted by COVID-19 as restrictions and health concerns halted travel, affecting revenue streams and related businesses. Meanwhile, the HealthTech industry needed urgent solutions to restrict the virus circulation. Contact tracing apps, remote patient monitoring systems, and rapid diagnostic tools became essential components in the fight against the virus. 

Our client provided tools to the Travel & Hospitality industry to rebuild customer confidence, the HealthTech sector with innovative technologies to restrict the virus's circulation, and various businesses to safely resume their operations.


CR Industry

Client Challenge

  • The imperative need to pivot to survive
  • Aggressive time-to-market for a new product with brand-new hardware in a different vertical (HealthTech)
  • The technical challenge to exchange health records with labs that used non-standard implementation of protocols


CR Challenge


  • Product Management - participated in all product discussions ranging from strategy to engineering viability and implementation trade-offs
  • Cloud Services - designed backend architecture leveraging serverless for scalability and cost optimization
  • Platform Modernization - transitioned the product to leverage GRPC instead of RabbitMQ
  • Product Engineering & Development - developed a multi-layered, reusable framework for quality, maintainability & development acceleration
  • DevOps - optimized the CI pipeline for the short release cycles the business needed
  • Data Modernization & Engineering - designed data transformations to securely collect (with consent) and process health data records leveraging the FHIR protocol
  • Quality Engineering - usage of Test Automation in several layers to guarantee performance and quality
  • Digital Experience - leveraged multiple sensors from kiosks, including biometrics and temperature sensors, in an intuitive user interface
CR Approach

Why AWS?

  • AWS is the most popular cloud platform with significantly more managed features in comparison to other options
  • AWS provides infrastructure-related services such as computing, storage, networking, and security.
  • AWS delivers top-tier provisions for high availability, automated scalability, enhanced security, serverless architecture and services, and high-level data storage, among others

AWS Solution 02

AWS Solution

Websites, APIs, and Databases run on AWS. The team uses most of the AWS native and managed services for development and DevOps activities.

  • Data Engineering & Data Science: Amazon S3, DynamoDB, AWS RDS (PostgreSQL)
  • Services: Amazon API Gateway, AWS Lambda, Cognito
  • DevOps: Amazon SNS, Amazon SQS, CloudWatch, AWS Secret Manager, AWS IAM
  • Networking: Amazon VPC

Encora's engineers use Terraform and Terragrunt for infrastructure provisioning.

AWS Solution 1111


  • Enabled the delivery of a critical consumer-facing application within 3 months to help the client address the opportunity in a new vertical 
  • Enabled NHL, NBA, and 50+ businesses to resume amid the pandemic
  • Became a unicorn amid the pandemic
  • Enabled the client to successfully raise new capital in excess of $100M
  • USD 4.5B IPO one year after product launch
CR  Results

Funding ​pre-IPO

CL 285%

Client Success Stories

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