
Workforce Training and Development Company

Workforce Training and Development Company

Industry: HiTech

Delivery Center: India

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Workforce Training and Development Company

Industry: HiTech

Delivery Center: India

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Industry Context

The Manufacturing, Food, and Environmental Health and Safety (EHS) industries have been significantly impacted by technological advancements.

The increasing use of automation, robotics, and artificial intelligence has transformed the manufacturing industry, leading to increased efficiency and productivity.

The food industry has also been influenced by technology, with the adoption of new processing techniques, packaging solutions, and data analytics for quality control. In the EHS industry, technology has helped companies to monitor and manage environmental and health-related risks more effectively.

Alchemy Industry

Client Challenge

  • Alchemy has undergone a string of acquisitions, leading to a complex and diverse technology landscape
  • Required to migrate 'Alchemy Manager' to a more modern platform to rationalize the technology landscape
  • Needed help in simplifying and standardizing its technology landscape to accelerate development and shorten time-to-market
  • Needed to build and launch its Zosi platform from scratch, which will be an online community and learning ecosystem for the EHS industry.
Alchemy Challenge


  • Cloud Services - established a cloud-based infrastructure for migrating and maintaining legacy products using AWS solutions. Implemented a React + node.js frontend with a serverless AWS lambda backend using microservices
  • Platform Modernization - migrated to a newer technology and platform, improving scalability and reducing cost
  • Product Engineering & Development - implemented the Zosi learning ecosystem web application using the agile methodology to design and build a state-of-the-art technical resource for its clients
  • Quality Engineering, testing includes writing unit tests, integration tests, and API tests for connecting with the reporting back-end

Alchemy Approach

Why AWS?

Tech stack migration Alchemy Manager required a complete shift of development mindset since the team was moving from traditional client-server architecture to serverless architecture. AWS is a pioneer in serverless technology and with the robust capabilities of AWS Lambda, it became a natural choice for the solution implementation.
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AWS Solution

  • Using Agile methodologies, the team has been consistently helping similar clients make sense of their existing landscape and boost their current development efforts to reduce time to value for its end customers
  • The Encora team has accelerated the client’s migration of its Alchemy Manager product to newer technology and platform. Along with developing additional core application features and migrating parts of it to newer platforms, the Encora team helps Alchemy with internal usage tools that help automate and accelerate some of the yak-shaving during the migration process
  • The team also helps Alchemy automate and test the application and its subsequent migration. This testing includes writing unit tests, integration tests, and API tests for connecting with the reporting backend. An Agile methodology prevents any failed test cases from being released in the production versions of the product
  • For the Zosi web application, the Encora team implemented a React + node.js frontend with a serverless AWS lambda backend using microservices
  • Encora professionals use AWS products for the infrastructure featuring single accounts for each environment type (Dev + QA, Staging, and Production) and unique and independent runtime environments within the same account managed by name scopes where necessary 

Primary AWS Services: Amazon RDS, Amazon Lambda, Amazon API Gateway, Amazon DynamoDB, Amazon SQS, and Amazon CloudFront.


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  • Alchemy got revenue of approx $5M since the launch in Apr 2021
  • Approx 35K+ users since the launch 
  • Approx 300+ courses served
Alchemy  Results

Client Success Stories

Discover how our strategic innovation accelerates impact for fast-growing enterprises and digitally-native companies.

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Credit Union Insurance Provider: Transforming and Automating the Underwriting Process

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LendKey: Transforming IT Infrastructure and Automating DevOps Functions

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