
Ketamine Therapeutics Company

Ketamine Therapeutics Company

Industry: Healthcare & Life Sciences

Delivery Center: Brazil

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Ketamine Therapeutics Company

Industry: Healthcare & Life Sciences

Delivery Center: Brazil

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Industry Context

Since the Covid-19 pandemic, there has been a significant shift toward remote care, which is expected to continue to grow within the next few years. Telemedicine, remote monitoring, and other digital health solutions have become integral parts of the patient journey, allowing medical professionals to extend their services beyond physical clinics and hospitals. 

As the healthcare industry embraces digital innovation and patient-centric approaches, stakeholders are collaborating to build a future where remote care is seamlessly integrated into the traditional healthcare framework. The convergence of technology, data analysis, and patient-centered strategies promises a healthcare ecosystem that is both accessible and responsive to individual needs, ultimately improving the quality of care and patient outcomes.

MB Industry

Client Challenge

  • Redesign and develop a remote care delivery platform to increase security, compliance, and omnichannel communication between patient and provider
  • The solution must comply with HIPAA regulatory requirements
  • Provide resilient integrations with third-party tools
  • Enable data-driven product decisions with dashboards and reports
MB Challenge


  • Product Management - supported client’s infrastructure by improving security, test coverage, third-party tools integration, and CI/CD processes. Make the product compliant with HIPAA regulations
  • Cloud Services - applied best practices in AWS aiming at better performance, stability, and security. Every presented solution is well documented and clearly outlines the trade-offs involved
  • Platform Modernization, modernization of the patient and internal portals, and implementation of new treatment programs. Support for feature toggle and A/B Testing
  • Product Engineering & Development - took a previous version of the product, improved it, and released Web and mobile apps to patients. Developed new features to address the fast-paced needs of a startup
  • DevOps, improved the CI/CD process. Use of IaC and monitoring tools. Created ephemeral environments to simulate the real application server capacity with a Kubernetes cluster
  • Data Modernization & Engineering, created data pipelines and architected a data warehouse to support the analysis of product data. Developed version-controlled dashboards and reports for monitoring KPIs for different stakeholders and areas of the company. Implementation of data governance practices
  • Quality Engineering, performed a wide variety of tests: unit, regression, integration, visual, and performance. Some are automated to run every day, covering most features. Commits are only merged to the master branch when all unit and integration tests are passed
  • Digital Experience - worked with the product team to deliver the best experience for patients. Participated in meetings for brainstorming, spec, and tech designs
MB Approach

Why AWS?

  • Received an AWS project from the client's previous partner, and AWS services enabled Encora to improve the infrastructure by implementing a series of best practices:
  • The database and applications were segmented to separate development and production instances, allowing for better isolation of failures
  • A Load Balancer was added to improve the high availability, scalability, and security of the application
  • The RDS instance was privately isolated in a VPC for increased security, particularly as the client handles PHI data. Encryption was implemented for data at rest and in transit across all services
  • The Jenkins instance was made scalable by building the application with two extra spot instances, as needed
  • CloudWatch was used to enable logging and monitoring of key services that were used.
AWS Solution 02

AWS Solution

The website's front end and back end, including databases, are hosted on AWS. The mobile app seamlessly integrates with the AWS services as well. Additionally, the team used a range of AWS services for DevOps activities:

  • Compute/Storage: Amazon EC2, AWS EKS, Amazon ELB, AWS Lambda, AWS RDS, and Amazon S3
  • Messaging: Amazon SQS, Amazon SNS, and Amazon SES
  • Monitoring: Amazon CloudWatch
  • Networking: Amazon VPC

The team also uses Ansible for infrastructure provisioning.

AWS Solution 1111


  • EKS Cluster with ephemeral containers enables improved testing, faster deployments, scalability, and cost savings by allowing developers to work in an environment that closely mirrors the capacity of the production environment
  • High automated test coverage increased confidence during deployments, reducing deployment time from 2 weeks to 4 hours 
  • The mobile app is now the primary channel of the organization, handling nearly 70% of the user traffic
  • Increased weekly repurchase rate increased by over 20% in 3 months after implementing a new feature in the application
  • Ad-hoc reports and dashboards provide insights on product usage, enabling data-driven decisions on the development of new features
MB Results

Repurchase Rate

MB metric +20%

Deployment ​Speed

MB metric -98%

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