
Cancer Therapeutics Company

Cancer Therapeutics Company

Industry: Healthcare & Life Sciences

Delivery Center: Brazil

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Cancer Therapeutics Company

Industry: Healthcare & Life Sciences

Delivery Center: Brazil

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Industry Context

The implementation of digital technology solutions has become imperative for healthcare providers. Offering ways to connect remotely with patients is now essential to provide immediate, on-demand, and long-term healthcare.

Healthcare organizations must develop, deploy, and leverage custom-built solutions to provide the required medical support to their patients while also offering an optimal user experience.

FT Challenge

Client Challenge

  • Rapid modernization of the company's digital product, going from an MVP solution to a production-grade solution
  • Digital transformation of processes that could live detached from the rest of the solution and improve customer experience
  • Cost-effective cloud platform services to enable rapid development and provide HIPAA-compliant services
FT Challenge-1


  • Product Management  - Encora guaranteed that all pieces of AWS services relevant to the project were used cost-effectively, considering implementation velocity and completeness of the offering
  • Platform Modernization - Encora modernized an existing application, using a state-of-the-art architecture and technology stack based on the capabilities of AWS cloud services
  • Digital Experience - Encora co-designed the products’ user experience as well as architected and advised on the best way forward in terms of AWS technologies that would provide a cost-effective solution for the client

FT Approach

Why AWS?

  • Go-to-market agility enabled by AWS services
  • Ease of deployment and operation without the need to host any infrastructure
  • The automated provisioning of environments allowed for greater team productivity and infrastructure reproducibility, speeding up the processes of application debugging, testing, and deployment
  • Facilitated compliance in a highly regulated industry
AWS Solution 02

AWS Solution

The product requirements were related to functionality, security, scalability, ease of use, troubleshooting, HIPAA compliance, and fast-paced delivery cycles. AWS offers extensive services to development teams that facilitate and address most of the required characteristics. To cover all aspects of company’s business needs, the solution needed to be comprised of two main components: 

  • Mobile App – The main product must foster customer trust and provide a great user experience
  • Web App – The web app needed to cover operational and administrative tasks for physicians and other personnel

AWS capabilities provided the building blocks and were extensively used on the back end, while React Native was used on the front end.

Primary AWS Services: GraphQL, AWS Lambda, Amazon S3, Amazon Aurora, AWS Cognito, Amazon CloudWatch, AWS CloudTrail, Amazon Pinpoint, AWS CloudFormation, Amazon SNS, Amazon SES


AWS Solution 1111


  • Digitally transformed operations and revamped the telemedicine solution
  • Migration of dozens of processes to the platform for a consistent and enhanced user experience, enabling a data-driven approach
  • Enhanced user experience for the client’s product
FT  Results

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