
Real Estate Listing Services

Real Estate Listing Services

Industry: HiTech

Delivery Center: India

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Real Estate Listing Services

Industry: HiTech

Delivery Center: India

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Industry Context

Within the US real estate industry, digital multiple listing service (MLS) providers are enhancing home listings with comprehensive data services. These services include property history, public school rankings, points of interest, neighborhood profiles, market statistics, and future home value projections.  

Legacy systems, however, often constrain modernization initiatives. Utilizing data to deliver standout buyer experiences requires modern cloud infrastructure that can handle surging traffic, scale easily, and extract insights quickly from vast data streams. 

Real estate leaders also face security and compliance demands. Protecting applicant financial data is crucial as portals become central to the home-buying process.  


Client Challenge

Movoto is an online real estate agency and portal that makes real estate simple. Over time, the volume of property-related data increased, and Movoto recognized the need to streamline its core data assets. The strategic initiative had two primary objectives: to distill analytical insights for management quickly and to improve the digital experience for home buyers and brokers 



  • Cloud Services - Encora unburdened the existing hardware and ensured there is always adequate bandwidth for high amounts of data to be transmitted and shared in real-time
  • Product Engineering & Development - Encora re-architected and developed the functionality for the company's core real estate portal
  • DevOps & Continuous Engineering, we translated the innovation roadmap into new core capabilities required to bring the information strategy to life
  • Data Modernization & Engineering - we developed deep learning algorithms to personalize users' search results and improve conversion  
  • Digital Experience - Encora designed a new website that makes more strategic use of the company's data assets and delivers an enhanced digital experience

Why AWS?

  • AWS is the most popular cloud platform with significantly more managed features in comparison to other options
  • AWS provides infrastructure-related services such as computing, storage, networking, security, Data Analytics, and Machine Learning capabilities ▪ The team had experience building data lakes on AWS, and it was the optimal choice for Movoto's data-heavy platform
  • AWS delivers top-tier provisions for high availability, automated scalability, enhanced security, multi-region redundancy, serverless architecture and services, and high-level data storage, among others
AWS Solution 02

AWS Solution

Both websites ( and run on AWS completely. The team uses most AWS native and managed services for development and DevOps activities. In brief:

  • Data Engineering & Data Science: Redis, RDS, EMR, Glue, Athena, EKS, Redshift, and Sagemaker 
  • Services: ECS, Docker, Elastic BeanStalk, CloudWatch, Lambda, Open Search, Elastic Cache, SQS, SNS, and SES 
  • DevOps: Code Deploy, EC2, EC2 Spot instances, Auto Scaling, EBS, S3, AIM, K8, CloudWatch, Docker, X-Ray, Cognito, AIM, and Secrets
  • Networking: Route53, VPC, Subnets, CIDR blocks, Security, CDN, Route53, VPN, and ELB 

Encora's engineers independently manage and deploy all applications on AWS.
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  • Superior customer experience
  • Steady stream of real-time data
  • Management of decision-making capabilities using real-time data +50 % increase in website traffic
  • Reduced vulnerability to attacks
  • Improved time-to-market due to less overhead related to build and deployment

Conversion Rate

movoto case study graph 2 conversion rate

Site Traffic

movoto case graph 1 site traffic

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