
Urgent Care Software Company

Urgent Care Software Company

Industry: Healthcare & Life Sciences

Delivery Center: India

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Urgent Care Software Company

Industry: Healthcare & Life Sciences

Delivery Center: India

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Industry Context

As the healthcare sector rapidly embraces modern technologies, it remains imperative to elevate the quality of care, crafting experiences that resonate with patients and care providers.

HealthTech companies are tasked with streamlining operations and stripping away complexities, ensuring that patients remain at the heart of every solution crafted and every service rendered.  

EX Industry

Client Challenge

The client needed to merge two standalone products into a cohesive, singular offering — a move set to optimize efficiency and streamline user experience.

Concurrently, they grappled with an imperative transformation of their cloud services to better cater to modern market demands. They sought to pivot their solutions promptly, ensuring they remained relevant and supportive in addressing the unique and emergent needs presented by the pandemic era. 

EX Challenge


  • Cloud Services - established a cloud-based infrastructure for managing the migration of local data to AWS solutions  
  • Platform Modernization - for a forward-looking product suite, Encora re-engineered the framework and upgraded legacy applications, products, and platforms
  • Product Engineering & Development - rearchitected client's services and delivered a modern product capable of adapting to the needs of the market
  • DevOps - introduced new processes that increased the quality and efficiency of ongoing product development

EX Approach

Why AWS?

  • Modernization – Monolithic legacy services running on-premise were migrated to serverless scalable services running on the cloud
  • High Availability – Manual maintenance and planned downtimes were removed
  • Scalability – Serverless services like Lambda and DynamoDb provide high scalability automatically. As a result, there is no need to configure or schedule peak time scaling
  • Cost Optimization – Many of the services used are serverless, meaning they are charged on a usage basis; this helps the team limit overall infrastructure costs
  • HIPAA Compliance – Encora used and built HIPAA-compliant apps and services, a mandate in US healthcare
  • Performance – With the scalable and parallel processing abilities offered by AWS services, the team was able to build services that performed significantly faster 
  • Infrastructure as Code – IaC helped with versioning and controlling infrastructure changes, enabling the team to bring down and spin up stacks. It also enabled Encora’s engineers to move the same configuration across various environments, such as Stage and PROD, with minimum effort
AWS Solution 02

AWS Solution

The client had already used AWS to host part of its product lines, using IaaS services such as WMs, EBS, Databases (RDS), and VPN, making it the preferred choice for the company’s modernization initiatives. The client's existing application was a monolith, and as part of its cloud enablement, Encora’s team upgraded one of the application’s resource-intensive modules (Corporate Statement Generation). The aim was to provide the client with the capability to optimally utilize its resources and scale based on need.

The Encora team utilized S3 for file storage and to trigger Lambda on upload events. Lambda, in turn, was used as an event handler and to implement business logic. For parallel processing, decision-making, and declarative integration, Encora’s team utilized Step Functions. API Gateway was applied for exposing Lambda as HTTP endpoints, request validation, and throttling. DynamoDb was used for NoSql data storage. 

The team applied SQS to handle the Message Queue within the services, and MSK (Kafka) was the message broker across different products. Finally, Encora used Cloudwatch for logs, operation dashboards, and as a scheduler to trigger Lambda while using Cloudformation for Infrastructure as Code.

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  • The client's cloud services now perform 10x faster than their on-premise counterparts​
  • Post-go-live issues decreased by 45%​
  • The client saw a 20% increase in the production flow​

EX Results

Post-go-live issues decreased

EX metric -45%

Increase in the production flow​​

EX metric +20%

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