
SMB Payment Solutions Provider

SMB Payment Solutions Provider

Industry: Banking, Financial Services & Insurance

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SMB Payment Solutions Provider

Industry: Banking, Financial Services & Insurance

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Industry Context

In the fast-evolving landscape of Banking, Financial Services, & Insurance (BFSI), companies operating in payment solutions are recognizing the critical need to accelerate their growth trajectory while surmounting technological barriers. 

Embracing cloud computing and microservice architecture has become increasingly important in the financial sector to address fierce competition, stringent regulatory requirements, and the need to deliver innovative digital products and services. As this transformation unfolds, financial organizations are compelled to adopt the agility, scalability, resilience, and security necessary to maintain a competitive edge. 

Industry Context (1)

Client Challenge

Our client, experiencing accelerated growth, faced the challenge of meeting increased demand for their services. Onboarding and customizing features for new clients became a bottleneck, demanding substantial engineering efforts. The existing legacy code struggled to support portfolio scalability and performance, requiring a more agile on-premises cloud infrastructure.

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To facilitate rapid scalability and uphold a consistently high-performance standard, the Encora team initiated a comprehensive overhaul of the entire software product. This effort primarily involved refactoring legacy code, establishing a stable CI/CD pipeline, and strategically migrating to the AWS cloud.

Cloud Migration: The team conducted a meticulous lift-and-shift migration of existing applications from on-premises to AWS. This involved re-architecting critical factors such as data access and security, ensuring a seamless transition. 

Product Development: Encora assumed full ownership of the entire product lifecycle, delivering expertise in API components as well as mobile client-facing elements. This comprehensive approach ensured a cohesive and well-integrated system. 

Data Analytics, Visualization & BI: Contributing to the creation of reporting and analytics modules using AWS Redshift, Snowflake, and Tableau, Encora empowered the client with robust data analytics tools, enhancing decision-making capabilities. 

Continuous Integration (CI) & Continuous Deployment (CD):  Playing a pivotal role in creating and enhancing CI/CD pipelines, Encora embedded DevSecOps practices to fortify security and streamline development processes. 

Test Strategy & Planning: Ensuring releases were suitable for going live, Encora conducted testing on both server-side and client-side components. Functional testing for physical devices and automated processes using farms became an integral part of their quality engineering strategy. 



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Encora's collaborative effort resulted in an improved rate of project success, mitigated delays, and consistently met delivery dates. The noteworthy growth in transaction volumes and an influx of high-profile customers further underscored the success of the initiative. 

  • Increased rate of project success, reduced delays, and maintained consistent delivery dates.
  • Transaction growth (per year) surged from $40M to $110M.
  • Venues supported increased from around 250 to 380.
  • Attracted and retained high-profile customers.

Transactions Growth

Transactions Growth

Venues Supported

Venues Supported

Client Success Stories

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LendKey: Transforming IT Infrastructure and Automating DevOps Functions

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