
Non-profit Community Health Benefits Provider

Non-profit Community Health Benefits Provider

Industry: Healthcare & Life Sciences

Delivery Center: India

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Non-profit Community Health Benefits Provider

Industry: Healthcare & Life Sciences

Delivery Center: India

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Industry Context

The healthcare industry is a rapidly evolving one. Recent years have witnessed the increased usage of Electronic Health Records (EHRs), telemedicine, mobile health (mHealth) applications, and big data analytics. With value-based care replacing traditional fee-for-service models, there is an increased focus on patient engagement and satisfaction. The growing demand for patient engagement, communication, preventative care, and population health management has increased the need for tools and technology. The client—a non-profit community health benefits provider—needed to invest in new technology and partner with other healthcare organizations to provide comprehensive patient care. 

CO Industry

Client Challenge

Encora helped the client implement the ETL process and migrate the on-prem data to Snowflake through Azure, CI/CD, and QA automation. 

  • Configured and automated data ingestion from various source systems using Azure Data Factory and Azure Python functions. 
  • Increased the warehouse size by adding nodes to the existing cluster and improved disk space elasticity to accommodate changing data needs. 
  • Automated some ETL processes to load data from Azure blob storage into Snowflake tables.  
  • Established a Snowflake stream to change the table tracking system and design the orchestration framework.  
CO Challenge


  • Quality Engineering, ensured data quality during data migration and data warehouse development.
  • Data Modernization & Engineering, provided solutions for ingesting data from various sources such as on-premises data warehouse, Smartsheet, and FTP files to the cloud-based Snowflake data warehouse using Azure services  and CI/CD

CO Approach

Why Snowflake?

  • Cost:  The cost of maintaining an On-prem SQL server was huge. Comparatively, the cost of Snowflake was lesser.
  • CPU Scalability: Adding a node to an existing cluster was lengthy.  The client had to undergo a lengthy procurement process to add nodes. Increasing the warehouse size was comparatively easy and cost-effective.
  • Disk Space Elasticity:  The size of the stored data changes throughout the month. Once the data size decreases, there is no quick way to reduce the disk size. Snowflake was able to scale up or down quickly.
  • Snow Pipe: The client wanted to automate some of the ETL processes with Snow Pipe to load the data from Azure blob storage into Snowflake databases.
Snowflake Solution1


  • Provides a robust and scalable architecture and ensures HIPAA compliance. 
  • Ensures seamless data ingestion from multiple sources after successfully migrating data from on-prem to Snowflake. 
  • Facilitates efficient healthcare management through an intuitive mobile application for patients and staff. 
  • Enables quicker business decisions with instant scalability. 
  • Optimizes data operations by programmatically converting over 95% of business object instances to Snowflake. 
  • Offers a scalable solution and model to enhance Data Warehouse operations. 
  • Reduces delivery timelines through a scalable framework. 
CO  Results

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