
EKG Solutions Company

EKG Solutions Company

Industry: Healthcare & Life Sciences

Delivery Center: Costa Rica

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EKG Solutions Company

Industry: Healthcare & Life Sciences

Delivery Center: Costa Rica

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Industry Context

Significant growth in the Healthcare industry, bolstered by new technical capabilities and pandemic-induced requirements for remote case solutions, has demonstrated the need for mobile/wireless medical tech systems that can provide ‘anytime, anywhere’ services


Client Challenge

The client was in a strategic position to step in as a provider for its parent company. The time was ripe for someone offering not just services, but also technical leadership and a visionary approach.

Yet, there was a challenge to adapt and evolve the product offering to meet the ever-changing demands of the market. 



  • Cloud Services - Moved from on-premises to AWS and modernized portfolio using Cloud-first
  • Platform Modernization, architected a secure and scalable platform, and subsequently migrated from public to private cloud
  • Product Engineering & Development - Designed and implemented POC and MVP with an innovation-driven experimentation mindset, iterating often based on new insights
  • DevOps & Continuous Engineering, refreshed the infrastructure to support a new release strategy - blue/green deployment, delivering shorter time to production and zero downtime releases
  • Quality Engineering, introduced automation as a discipline and grew to support high code coverage and extensive usage of Test Automation in several layers to guarantee performance and quality
Encoras Approach

Why AWS?

The opportunity for the client to migrate its on-premise platforms to the cloud arrived when the company made the strategic decision to expand its services to the European Union.

Compliance regulations in the EU require all data to be hosted in the EU, and since establishing a data center in Europe was not an option for the client, AWS was their preferred choice.

Amazon cloud computing resources are hosted in multiple locations worldwide. Therefore, the organization built a new environment using AWS’ EU region, triggering the cloud migration of their domestic environment.

AWS Solution 02

AWS Solution

AWS services were used to do a lift and shift migration. Encora's team created a new infrastructure on AWS while maintaining the source code as close to the original as possible. During the second phase of the project, the code will be updated to include more AWS services.

Primary AWS Services:

  • Amazon VPC
  • Amazon RDS
  • Amazon FSX
  • Amazon EC2
  • Amazon S3
  • Amazon ELB


AWS Solution 1111


For all client’s products:

  • Enhanced capacity to deliver more features
  • Reduced time required for new projects to be released into production

Increase in Number of Delivered Features

  • MID Project: 52% increase
  • Geneva Project: 379% increase
Automated testing reduced regression testing times from 2 months to under 2 weeks
Experity - Industry context

Funding​ Pre-IPO​


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