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An Exploration of Test Data Generation Using ChatGPT


In the rapidly advancing world of artificial intelligence, software testing is being revolutionized. One of the most notable contributions to this advancement is the advent of ChatGPT, an AI model that provides immense value not just in the testing phase, but also early in the development process. As a powerful tool for generating test data, it assists developers in their initial testing stages, as well as Quality Assurance (QA) professionals towards the end.

The Transformation in Software Testing with ChatGPT

The Rise of Natural Language Test Data and Prompting 

ChatGPT, as a language model developed by OpenAI, has made strides in generating diverse and realistic test data. It brings to the table the concept of natural language-generated test data, ensuring that the software is tested under realistic input conditions, thus handling a broad range of natural language inputs. Furthermore, ChatGPT leverages prompting, which involves providing context to generate specific output, ultimately guiding the model in creating test data relevant and effective for software testing.

The Power of Quality Prompts

With a deep understanding of the software being tested, quality prompts can guide ChatGPT to generate the needed test data. This familiarity with the software's input requirements and potential input scenarios ensures the prompts are relevant, resulting in representative inputs of real-world usage.

Game changer for developers

ChatGPT is not just a tool for Quality Assurance professionals. It can also be a game-changer for developers, especially when integrated early in the development cycle. With its ability to generate diverse, realistic test data, developers can perform preliminary testing of their code more thoroughly and efficiently.

By detecting and addressing potential issues early, developers can reduce the number of bugs forwarded to the QA phase, improving overall development speed and software quality. Moreover, having a tool like ChatGPT allows developers to anticipate real-world scenarios, leading to more robust and resilient software design. Thus, ChatGPT becomes an instrumental tool in both the development and testing phases of software production.

Test Data Generation with ChatGPT

After understanding the software's requirements, ChatGPT can be guided using quality prompts to generate test data. Examples range from generating data based on user language, geographical region, and specific data formats, to handling data with restrictions.

Data Based on User Language

ChatGPT, with its deep understanding of diverse languages, can easily generate test data that reflects specific linguistic characteristics, such as names, phrases, or sentences in a particular language. This enables realistic testing of applications that need to handle multilingual user input.

Generate realistic, yet fictitious test data, comprising ten distinct medical professionals. For each professional, please include the following details: Full name, field of specialization, date of birth, length of professional experience in years, and the name of their medical school. Please ensure that the data is diverse and realistic, taking into account typical ranges for age and years of experience, as well as a variety of medical specialties and institutions. Pretend the professionals are based in Germany but their names are in Mandarin. Tabulate the results.

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Geographic Data

ChatGPT can simulate data that corresponds to specific geographical regions. This includes generating names typical to a certain country, addresses following the regional format, and phone numbers with correct country codes. This is especially useful when testing software with region-specific features or services.


Generate a realistic, yet entirely fictitious dataset of ten technology students based in various countries across Latin America. For each student, please include the following details: full name (with names common to their respective countries), local address, phone number, field of study, name of their college or university, enrollment date, the number of courses successfully completed, and an emergency contact. Ensure the data is varied and realistic, taking into account typical education timelines and course loads. Please include at least two students from Brazil in the list. Tabulate the result.

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Data Based on Requirements

Whether you need data formatted in a specific way or data that follows certain rules and conditions, ChatGPT can be directed to generate it through well-crafted prompts. It can cater to a broad range of requirements, making it a versatile tool for diverse testing scenarios.


Generate a realistic, yet entirely fictitious dataset comprising seven distinct movies. For each movie, including the following details: title, director, release date (in MM/YYYY format), rating (on a scale from 0 to 10, in the X.X format), budget (in US dollars), global box office collection (in US dollars), and net revenue (calculated as the difference between global collection and budget). Please ensure that the data is diverse and realistic, encompassing a variety of genres, directors, and budget levels. Tabulate the resulting information.

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Data with Restrictions

ChatGPT's flexibility allows it to create test data that adhere to defined restrictions. For instance, if you need data that excludes special characters, or data with a specified format, or data that falls within certain values, ChatGPT can be guided to generate it, supporting detailed and accurate testing processes.


Generate a realistic, yet entirely fictitious dataset of five distinct video games. For each game, please include the following details: title (in English, with no special characters), release date (in MM/DD/YYYY format), plot summary, SKU, development company (with a German name), and country of release. The country of release should be randomly assigned from the following options: USA, LatAm, Europe, Asia, and others. Please ensure that the data is varied and believable, accounting for a diverse array of genres, release dates, and plot themes. Tabulate the information for clarity.

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Data Based on Specific Formats

ChatGPT can generate test data in multiple formats, including CSV, XML, tables, or even SQL statements. This ensures that regardless of the expected input format for your software, you can produce appropriate test data to thoroughly evaluate your system's functionality.


Generate a diverse and realistic, yet entirely fictitious, XML-formatted dataset for three distinct items in a warehouse. For each item, please include the following details: Item ID, Item Name, Item Category, Quantity, Unit Price, Supplier Name, and Supplier Contact. The data should be varied and plausible, covering a range of categories, quantities, unit prices, and supplier information. Please ensure all contact details are fictitious.

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Understanding the Limitations and Challenges of Using ChatGPT 

While ChatGPT aids in generating test data without revealing sensitive information, data privacy and security may still pose risks if not appropriately controlled and secured.
The use of ChatGPT may be subject to intellectual property rights, regulatory compliance requirements, and considerable computational resources, which could incur significant costs. Furthermore, it's vital to monitor and evaluate the outputs generated by ChatGPT to ensure they are fair, unbiased, accurate, and reliable.

Key Takeaways

ChatGPT is proving to be a valuable tool in the realm of software testing. Its capability to generate diverse, realistic test data enhances the efficiency and effectiveness of the testing process. However, its successful implementation requires a thorough understanding of the software to be tested, crafting quality prompts, and an emphasis on validation and testing of the generated data. Furthermore, the responsible use of ChatGPT mandates a focus on data privacy, security, and regulatory compliance. With this, ChatGPT marks the dawn of a new era in software testing, revolutionizing traditional approaches and promising exciting advancements in the future.

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