Why AI Code Optimization is the Future

The history books will record the rise of AI as one of the defining technological achievements of our time. Research from PwC estimates that AI technology will contribute up to 16 trillion to the global economy by 2030. Their research also suggests that about half of this increase will come from companies enhancing existing products because AI will encourage more product variety. Greater personalization, aesthetics, and cost-effectiveness will also likely increase. However, companies who work with AI understand that while AI can change the market, AI has some inefficiencies that must be worked out first. This is where AI code optimization comes into play, and companies leveraging AI code optimization stand to gain a significant competitive advantage. 

What is AI Code Optimization?

AI code optimization is the process of automating the more time-intensive parts of AI, like data preparation. Almost half of the work data scientists do is manual and repetitious. Developing and training models is time-consuming; speed often has little meaning here. AI code optimization makes AI feasible to scale by decreasing or eliminating the more rote and tiresome aspects of working with AI. The end goal is to make working with AI more efficient and give the developers more time to do more meaningful work. 

How Does AI-Driven Code Optimization Work?

While it sounds obvious to the outsider to automate tedious parts of AI development with code, research shows that human judgment remains an essential part of AI. This human judgment is necessary to decide what part of each AI system can be optimized with coding without compromising the system's integrity. Examples include erasing repeating lines of codes and changing processes to use storage space more efficiently.

Uses of Code Optimization Across Industries

The use of AI code optimization stands to impact industries that are already heavily invested in the use of AI. All the ways that AI is applied now could be improved with AI code optimization, and innovations within industry applications will advance more quickly as code optimization improves development speeds. These industries include:

1. Healthcare

Healthcare is one of the top industries implementing regular use of AI-powered technology. AI is used to help diagnose patients, help find and treat cases of chronic illness, and organize patient files. AI is helping personalized and predictive healthcare develop. For example, Natural Language Processing, Machine Learning, speech recognition, and wireless connection to medical devices allow virtual nursing programs to help patients schedule appointments, tell them when to call a nurse or go to the ER, and can recommend self-care treatments. 

2. Finance

AI-powered software applications are widely used in the financial sector. One area which benefits significantly from AI is trading. Since AI is often used to look for patterns inside large data sets, financial analysts and investors can use these programs to quickly search for data, saving them a great deal of time. Fraud detection is also supported by AI technology, leading to more significant, more efficient financial security. 

3. Manufacturing

Many manufacturers use AI-based bots or systems to help them with their nuts and bolts work. This includes things like a robot-powered assembly line to an intelligent system that can predict a malfunction in machinery. Supply chain issues, quality control, shipping, and delivery are all also areas that AI systems can support. For example, car manufacturers use automated image recognition to check for quality and inspect for defaults. This results in more accurate and efficient manufacturing. 

4. Advertising

AI-powered systems are saving advertisers a great deal of money in many ways. One area where AI technology is helping companies with their advertising and marketing is by testing campaigns before launching. Launching an advertising campaign costs a significant amount of money and is inherently high risk. An AI-powered system can be designed to simulate the campaign and provide exact results about the campaign’s potential performance. 


Benefits of AI Code Optimization

The main benefit of AI code optimization is that human capital can be used more effectively and efficiently. Data scientists and developers will have more time for model training, scoring, and deployment if they can use code to optimize the tedious, manual, and repetitive parts of their job. The result? A significant decrease in time to market for their product or system, AI systems that use less energy and more access to AI-based technologies. 

AI Code Optimization and Encora

Work with Encora for access to highly skilled, experienced, and dedicated software engineers. Software engineers working with Encora are trained in applying AI technology in various industries. They are data science experts and use a range of deep learning models that train virtual machines to optimize business rules for maximizing a company’s business processes. Encora believes that as machine learning and AI applications grow, the only limitations are strategic vision and AI code optimization. Companies can work with Encora to optimize their AI coding process and create a competitive advantage. Reach out to Encora today with questions or to get started. 

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