The Impact of the Internet of Things on Mobile Applications

The accelerated growth of technology has had a tremendous impact, forcing developers to create increasingly advanced mobile applications. It is now necessary to create apps that support new technological challenges, such as 5G networks, the Internet of Things (IoT), augmented and virtual reality, among others. In addition, there are challenges at the level of software testing and market demands.

IoT is a technology that has significantly changed everyday life and has brought challenges for the development and testing of mobile applications. Their architecture involves many components that need to be considered, for example, smart sensors, wireless communication, and systems developed on the cloud. 

Internet of Things: Definition

This technology consists of a network of sensors that gather data from machines or people. The data is sent to a central repository for analysis, and it provides better visibility for management. In simple words, it’s a technology that allows people to remotely connect to vehicles, devices, or electronic equipment to control them. 

The different elements involved in IoT can be described as follows:





These work through internet-connected sensors that gather data. 

A software or structure is used to administer the collected data; it can be done on the cloud. 

Data is processed for analysis. 

The medium through which the user interacts with the IoT device and obtains data. 


LoT Technology and Quality Assurance

From the viewpoint of quality assurance (QA), IoT has brought challenges to tests performed on mobile devices. Therefore, a good testing strategy that includes functionality, performance, usability on different devices with different operating systems and various environments (online as well as offline) is a big challenge. 

The following are some of the main test strategies that QA needs to take into consideration when it comes to this type of app:

  • Connectivity:
    • Network password changes
    • Network failure
    • Different connection types (such as various Wi-Fi networks, Bluetooth)
  • Functionality:
    • Log in and log out
    • Mobile reset
    • Verifying user information: adding and updating details, type and quantity of information, who is authorized to view it
    • Verifying the functionality of each of the developed components
    • Synchronization between the application, sensors, and tested elements
  • Performance:
    • Coinciding users
    • Multiple devices
  • Usability:
    • Intuitive and user-friendly
  • Security:
    • Security testing on different levels (hardware/software)


The impact of new technologies will also change the focus given to testing strategies. Therefore, it’s important to have a thorough understanding of the technology that will be tested (including its architecture). In this way, you will be able to identify how components interact with each other and how these affect the functionality being tested. You will apply a strategy based on the time, costs, and resources available without compromising the application’s quality. 


Key Takeaways

  • IoT is a technology that has significantly changed everyday life and has brought challenges for the development and testing of mobile applications.
  • IoT consists of a network of sensors that gather data from machines or people.
  • A thorough testing strategy for IoT applications should cover connectivity, functionality, performance, usability, and security.


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