The Best of Agile

Through the years, Synerzip has been an ardent practitioner of Agile methodologies. It forms the cornerstone of the work we do and deliver for our clients. Over the years, we’ve published several stories on Agile, what has worked for us and what hasn’t. The following list is our experiences with Agile.

  • Five powerful ways a servant leader can make a difference. In this post, we take a look at the top five qualities often seen in a servant leader that can bring stability and calm in today’s fast-paced and turbulent times. Usually, a prerequisite in Agile environments, a servant leader has the responsibility of accelerating the pace of work by removing impediments and coaching the team.
  • 4 Examples of Agile in Non-technology Businesses. Here we show a few real-world examples of how the Agile methodology is helping non-technology businesses remain true to their core principles of continuous improvement and delivery.
  • Agile Metrics that Talk Business. In the right context, these operational metrics tell a story that uncovers real business value delivered. In this post, we aim to uncover Agile metrics that help you move from information to insights.
  • Fixing Broken Teams. This talk will introduce a high-level framework for getting a software team back on the right track by focusing on execution, quality, and, ultimately, continuous improvement. A combination of theory and real-world examples show how software teams can gain throughput by fixing fundamental problems and do so without increasing the budget.
  • Critical Agile Practices. In this webinar, Ron Litchy and Punkaj Jain discuss five nuances of Agile that are not practiced often but make teams more effective.
  • Agile Forecasting, Planning, And Metrics. This talk explains how to forecast capacity or delivery dates using a team’s historical data. Probabilistic forecasting allows planning to take into account uncertainty and things that might happen (risks) and help communicate those plans to others.
  • Feedback Loops – Foundation Of Business Agility. Feedback is a core general practice of the Kanban Method. In this post, we’ll see the key differences between open-loop and closed-loop control, why these loops are so critical to businesses, understand how they connect to Deming-Shewart cycles and the Lean Startup, and how to look for issues that are distorting or blocking feedback loops.
  • Descaling With LeSS. LeSS is not about ‘enabling’ an existing big and clumsy organization to “do agile” by painting agile labels on top. It is about removing the organizational complexity that prevents natural agility.
  • Product Management Tips For Data Science Projects. Increasing, though, companies are building statistical or AI/Machine Learning features directly into their products. This can make our applications less deterministic – we may not know exactly how applications behave over time, or in specific situations – and harder to explain. In this webinar, Rich Mironov and Mike Watson explain how to develop and read outputs of data science projects with respect to specific contexts and how choosing the right data sets is crucial.
  • My Stories Aren’t Long Enough. In this webinar, Rich Mironov shares thoughts on engaging with development teams to unpack issues, collaborate better, and not get stuck in overly prescriptive processes.
  • Agile Enough: Going Agile When Everyone Else Isn’t. This session focuses on an experience report based on personal experience of transitioning teams from structured processes to more agile processes in these traditional environments.
  • Organizing & Scaling Agile Teams. Ron Lichty’s mantra is that software development is a team sport, which means that what gates productivity is communication. In this webinar, he’ll speak to organizing teams for effectiveness, productivity and joy.
  • Performance Reviews That Don’t Suck. Todd Little will demonstrate a program that was rolled out successfully with strong support across the enterprise−from the individual colleagues to people leaders, and even including HR. He will demonstrate the principles and the specific implementation of the system which you can tailor to your organization’s values and constraints.
  • Empowering Employees To Drive Growth. Imagine a workplace where every employee feels they can do the best work of their lives. They are encouraged to autonomously develop insights as they work with customers and products. Those insights lead to ideas which they share with their fellow employees, with corporate partners, and even customers, refining and improving them along the way. In this webinar, you will take-away the understandings of the Intrapreneurship Empowerment Model.
  • E12: Global Teams Are Here To Stay – Drive Productivity Across Time Zones. In this Zipchat, our panel will explore and deep dive into topics such as, Improving communication within your tech teams, exploring and choosing project management tools for better collaboration on sprints and product roadmaps, and discovering virtual processes that are sustainable.
  • ZipChat E11: Maximize Your Software Development Productivity. In this episode of ZipChat, we chat with agile experts and tech leaders on how to maximize the productivity of your software team and how to measure the business value being generated by it.
  • ZipChat E8: Leveraging Metrics in Product Management. Metrics are collected for a variety of reasons, but the focus of this ZipChat is on how to use metrics to improve the product development process presented from the perspective of Product Management.
  • ZipChat E6: Agile Conference Top 10 of All Time. For the past twelve or so years, Synerzip (now Excellarate) has participated in the Annual Agile Alliance Agile Conference. After attending each Conference, Synerzip’s co-founders, Hemant Elhence, CEO, and Vinayak Joglekar, CTO, have presented their “Top 10 Takeaways” via roadshows to spread their learnings to those who may not be able to make the actual conference. Join Hemant and Vinayak as we walk through the years to discover learnings, observations, and many changes in our software world.
  • ZipChat E2: Agile Checklist: Do You Have Everything You Need?. Mike and Mukund discuss the Agile Checklist – a comprehensive list compiled by hundreds of Agile Software Development Engineers.
  • The Best of Agile: 8 Timeless Takeaways on Being Better with Agile. In this eBook, we cover 8 timeless takeaways on being better with Agile. The ebook covers topics such as critical Agile practices, planning and forecasting using Agile methodologies, examples of Agile in non-technical setups, and Agile in UX.
  • Remote and Distributed Teams – Common Myths and Best Practices. In this eBook, we share common myths about remote teams that must be busted and best practices for successfully setting up, managing, and seeing success with remote and distributed teams.
  • Retrospective On The Practice Of Agile. In this eBook, we cover our observations on four major focus areas – organization and culture, business agility, Agile Methodologies, and DevOps.

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