QA Automation-Nearshore Test Automation Services

Companies who require more hands on deck to automate their product’s software QA testing need to look no further than nearshore automated testing services from Encora. Encora’s highly skilled and specially trained nearshore QA automation experts can assist companies with QA automation at any phase of the software development lifecycle (SDLC). The better a company can automate its software QA testing, the better it can find and fix potentially costly defects before the bugs take down a project in one of the final phases. Defects in software are far easier and less expensive to fix earlier in the SDLC. 

Companies can take the lead on ensuring their success with quality QA automation with a team of skilled nearshore software engineers from Encora. Encora’s nearshore engineering teams are of the highest caliber, combining experience, specialized skill sets, and dependability, making them the most in-demand nearshore teams on the market. A company can combine the ease of communication that an in-house team brings with the quality of an onshore partner when they choose a nearshore team from Encora for their QA automation. 

What is QA Automation?

QA automation allows for tests that would have had to be performed manually to be completed automatically by a computer program. Engineers write a script that goes through the different variations, automatically tests the software, and creates a record of what works and what doesn’t. This process is essential for the quality control necessary to release a solid product on time and under budget. Many use cases, integrations, and features must be tested individually and tested as they run together. QA automation makes testing all of these different combinations doable in a timely manner. 

Of course, QA test automation can’t be done for everything (some aspects of a product will still require manual testing), and since someone has to write the program for automation, it’s not a hands-off process. But, what QA test automation does is take the cumbersome and time-consuming process of testing thousands upon thousands of test conditions and make the process much quicker. This expands the quality, volume, speed, and accuracy of software QA testing. 

Manual Testing vs. QA Automation

  1. QA automation requires and relies on specific tools to create and execute test cases and log the results. Manual testing is done by an engineer following a test plan that’s been written out and reports the results to the developers themselves. This was discussed earlier, but some manual testing will be needed. However, it’s easy to see the benefits of QA automation, such as different developers having easier access to the test results. However, when examining a product's UX, manual testing allows an engineer to understand how the user will experience the product.
  2. Test automation is beneficial for large-scale software testing and tends to give a higher degree of accuracy when compared to manual testing. More specifically, test automation reduces the risk of human error because it is script and code based. There’s no risk of testing fatigue with test automation compared to manual testing. 
  3. QA automation saves time (and money) compared to manual testing. This is particularly true with certain types of testing, such as regression testing, which can be quite tiresome if done manually. 
  4. Another key difference between test automation and manual testing is that the test automation process is recorded. If a bug is found, there is a record of the exact method used to find the bug. And the process is infinitely replicable. 
  5. One of the most significant critical benefits of QA automation is that it doesn’t need a paid employee to run. Test automation can run behind the scenes 24/7, with the results waiting for the next engineer to log on. Contrast this to manual testing, which requires an engineer to run and can only be done when someone is on the clock. 
  6. One area where manual testing is preferable over test automation is with random and exploratory testing. Manual testing is still more effective in these cases since automated testing doesn’t allow for random testing. 
  7. Test automation does require a more significant initial investment than manual testing since it involves tools and written scripts. However, the ROI on QA automation is far greater than with manual testing.
  8. Another benefit of QA automation is that testing can be performed parallel with different operating platforms, reducing the time it takes to execute tests. To do this with manual testing would require more human resources. 

It’s also much faster to automate testing. Test automation allows you to:

a) Expand the number of scenarios that are tested.
b) Reduce the amount of time it takes to run those tests.


Wherever a company is on its journey with test automation, working with skilled, experienced engineers will make the process run smoothly and eliminate time spent on trial and error. 

Nearshore Test Automation Services from Encora

Encora’s teams of world-class nearshore software engineers are experts at test automation services. They have helped dozens of companies expand their teams with skilled nearshore software engineers that work in their client’s timezone, speak their language, and understand the culture. Encora’s talent pool of high retention teams, combined with its proprietary Agile engineering capabilities, ensures a greater speed to impact.

Encora believes that software products are only as good as their testing. Combining leading QA frameworks like JMeter, LoadRunner, and Silk Performer with test automation allows Encora to help companies ensure an incident-free product launch with minimal post-production maintenance. This permits Encora engineers to perform cross-platform application validation more effectively and faster than their client’s competitors. Encora can assist with performance and load testing, usability testing, functional testing, API testing, and security and penetration testing. Look to Encora for skilled engineers and a competitive advantage in today’s cutthroat environment. Ask Encora questions, or get started today!

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