4 Use Cases of Low Code in Healthcare


Low-code tools have revolutionized the way we develop software. These platforms allow you to create custom, scalable and fast solutions without prior programming knowledge.

Low-code solutions are tools that decentralize application development from an IT command-and-control into the hands of people working on solutions for specific challenges. These tools are creative problem-solving at their best.

This post shows prime use cases for low-code technology in the healthcare industry.

Rapid testing

Low code in healthcare had its real test during the start of the Covid 19 pandemic. At the time (and even today), healthcare systems were monolithic primarily. Any change means months of impact analysis followed by an equally lengthy deployment time. Considering how fast the virus was spreading, accommodating changes in the primary systems were unrealistic and not feasible.

Low code software plays a vital role in situations such as these. For example, many states and cities in the nation could use low code software to prototype applications that allowed citizens to schedule a testing appointment. These applications connected with systems from the healthcare providers’ and payers’ sides and prioritized appointments based on the severity of symptoms and the risk categories of citizens. Cities such as LA could go live with such a system within 72 hours. Such is the effectiveness of low code software.

Clinical testing at scale

Drug discovery requires formulations to perform repetitive tests and meticulously document the results. This repetitiveness makes it a ripe example for automation.

Low code software can build flexible applications to control the hardware needed to mix the reagents, perform the test, and document the results in a much shorter time than humans would do.

Moreover, the low code solution can rapidly accommodate any formulation step changes.

Scheduling systems

Several healthcare providers applied low code software to develop scheduling systems rapidly. For example, a healthcare provider in the USA used low-code software to build a scheduling application to vaccinate more than 10,000 healthcare workers within just ten days.

In addition, low code solutions often accompany a side pod that exchanges data with the central systems using HL7 FHIR-defined formats such as JSON and XML.

Existing IT infrastructure in the healthcare space already uses RPA and business process management. Many also utilize an orchestration engine that acts in an enabler role to move data across diverse and disparate systems.

Low code software solutions do this end-to-end orchestration between bots, patients, providers, and payers very well. And it does so without spending months coding, which a fully engineered and tested solution would have needed.

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Supply chain and administrative systems

Another application of low code in healthcare is on the administrative side of provider operations. Low code applications that utilize readily trained AI and ML models can aid supply chain processes and procurement mechanisms.

These applications can deploy at half the cost, with fewer people, and as much as 50% lower cost than bespoke software.

Low code software contains an infinite number of combinations. And its reach and function are limited by the business owner’s creativity and vision.

While the premise of low code software is very appealing, one must do their due diligence. It is important to understand how the application would scale over time. One must also note if the need/challenge it solves today would be rendered moot tomorrow.

In addition, business decision-makers also need to understand if any concurrent modernization plans will subsume these systems eventually or if low code holds the potential to transform technology operations in the future truly.


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