Build and deploy algorithms for low-loss trading strategies
Contact UsMaximize Trading Volume with Minimal Risk
Bring your trading algorithms from the whiteboard to the trading floor.Our algorithmic trading solutions do the heavy lifting for you—monitoring market conditions to quickly adapt to fluctuations and make trades without veering from the programmed strategy.
Monitor multiple markets simultaneously to maximize trade gains
Significantly reduce the risk of manual errors during trade execution
Reduce transaction fee costs
Avoid large price changes with more precise timing
Eliminate the emotional aspects of trading
Low-risk strategy detects price differentials on different sites to increase revenues
Trend Following
Easy implementation of trends-based trading algorithms
Index Fund Re-Balancing
Time your trades to capitalize on offers just before re-balancing
Mathematical Miles
Use proven math models to target multiple positions with balancing positive and negative deltas that can even out market movements
Mean Reversion
Employ the theory that both high and low prices are temporary to target trading for any time the price goes above mean
Time-Weighted Average Price (TWAP)
Minimize market impact by breaking a large order into smaller ones using evenly divided start and end time intervals
Volume-Weighted Average Price (VWAP)
Get close to the VWAP by breaking up a large order into smaller ones using historical stock profiles
Implementation Shortfall
Take advantage of favorable price movements by calculating the optimal time horizon to execute a trade using the stock’s historical volume profile, liquidity and volatility,
Non-Usual Algorithms
Detect sell-side algorithms to neutralize the potential for sellers to target larger-order buyers
Innovation Acceleration
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