Technology Solutions & Frameworks for Your 340B Products

Seamlessly build and enhance your 340B products with highly differentiated technical expertise. Talk to an Expert in 340B Tech Solutions

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Work with a Partner That Understands the Challenges 340B Administrators Face 

Our subject matter experts, and technology and solutions engineers come together to quickly provide technology solutions and frameworks to support 340B companies.  The biggest challenges healthcare entities face with 340B are:

HRSA regulatory compliance

Inferior data quality standards

Complex operational processes

Effective inventory management

Safeguarding against drug diversion

Unclear pricing methods with frequent changes

Varying rules for purchasing different types of drugs

Ambiguity around reimbursements and identification of duplicate discounts

Leverage Powerful Technical Capabilities & Domain Expertise 

Encora’s highly differentiated technical expertise within the 340B domain empowers organizations to easily build, maintain and seamlessly administer effective 340B programs.

Automated features and functions enable your end-users to easily verify 340B eligibility, track claims, manage inventory replenishment, maintain preparedness for compliance audits, and more.

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Benefits of Engaging Encora to Develop 340B Solutions 

Encora’s 340B technology frameworks reduces time to market for your 340B products white maintaining full customizability.  

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Customizable 340B Framework 

Develop a a customizable 340B Framework to meet your 340B needs with the flexibility to support the end-to-end complex processes from 340B claim identification, drug accumulation and replenishment activity, through invoicing and payments 

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Robust Inventory Management Tools 

Enable your systems to effectively manage inventory and procurement across multiple ordering platforms, wholesaler accounts, and pricing contracts 

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Customizable Reporting Engine 

Leverage a robust customizable reporting engine that enables functionality so internal and external clients can drill down into your data to gain better insights. Utilize AI and tools to apply historical data to predict future drug spending and more. Effortlessly integrate with third-party data sources, including pharmacy software and invoicing. 

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Complete Audit Readiness Technology 

Make use of audit and compliance tools using built-in, computer-aided audit tools, blockchain technology, and a data-driven digital approach to end-to-end tracking. 

340B Accelerators 

Our 340B accelerators further helps customization by rapidly incorporating only the functionalities you need.  

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Claims Capture Accelerator 

Increase eligible 340B claim capture using additional logic and a secondary capturing process 

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Referral Program Accelerator 

Identify valid patient referrals, update patient records, and improve overall patient management through visibility, automation, tracking, audit, and compliance tools 

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Inventory Management Accelerator 

Support customized and complex ordering and replenishment rules, reduce, or eliminate inventory swell and make informed buying and replenishment decisions 

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Business Intelligence Accelerator 

Get user-friendly and intuitively customizable dashboards and reports. Leverage a fully automated scheduler system that pushes data you need when you need it 

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Operations Accelerator 

Bring organization to the disorder around data exchanges and configure, monitor, validate, override and report on all your inputs and outputs. Create rules for all files, track and identify missed files or bad data and do overrides where necessary 

Talk to an Expert about 340B Accelerators 


EDI & Flat File Support 

File Ambassador is an electronic data interchange (EDI) tool that provides a mechanism for extracting data from external sources, transforming it to a normalized data format, and then loading it into an end target or repository. It facilitates back-end processing services across various healthcare domains.

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Key Features of Encora’s EDI

  1. Dashboard and reporting
  2. Web-based user interface (UI
  3. Data validation
  4. Easy configuration
  5. Seamless data integration
  6. File management

Key Functions of Encora’s EDI

  1. Data transfer
  2. File management
  3. Scheduling
  4. Tracking
  5. Error handling
  6. Reporting