Crucial Elements of Mobile Testing

Currently, how users utilize their mobile devices varies greatly. Some use them for pastimes such as video games, receiving/sending messages or calls, hobbies like photography (and installing apps exclusively related to that activity), and a vast majority use their devices for social media.

As users, we know that the daily migration, updating, and moving from one specific functionality to another on our mobile device is done in a matter of seconds. It’s something we do multiple times a day. In short, mobile devices and their environment are incredibly dynamic and change day by day. Due to this, ensuring the quality and adequate functionality of an app is crucial.


Mobile Testing Essential: Interruptions

One of the most critical elements to consider when running tests on mobile devices is interruptions while using the application. Calls or notifications from other apps can cause unexpected errors in the application under testing. 

Mobile Testing Plan

A thorough mobile testing plan needs to consider and include the following elements to ensure the successful execution of functionality tests:


  • Battery consumption: ensure the application does not consume battery power excessively. 
  • Languages: in some languages, certain words or sentences can be extensive or use special characters that can trigger errors in the application. 
  • Mobile networks: mobile devices today possess multiple frequency bands, so it’s important to test from the slowest (2G) to the fastest or most recent.
  • User configuration: different user configurations need to be tested, including those settings used by the application from the device, such as email accounts, passwords, etc. 
  • Installation and uninstallation: although it may appear simple, installing an application from USB, Bluetooth or cable can trigger an error when a notification or an interruption occurs; the same applies when uninstalling the app. 
  • Screen orientation: rotating the device is one of the simplest tests, but incredibly, there can be cases where the application fails altogether when the screen is turned vertically or horizontally. 
  • Device variety: if the application is meant for only one operating system, it is essential to test different devices with different operating system versions, from the minimum version required to the most recent. 
  • Credential storage safety: ensuring the confidentiality of user information is another crucial factor that needs to be addressed before releasing a new application in the market. 


At Encora, we put all aspects of our clients’ applications to the test. When all is said and done, software quality is fundamental. 


Key Takeaways

  • Mobile devices and their environment are incredibly dynamic and change daily. Due to this, ensuring the quality and adequate functionality of an app is crucial.
  • One of the most critical elements to consider when running tests on mobile devices is interruptions while using the application.
  • A thorough mobile testing plan should include tests such as battery consumption, user configuration, installation/uninstallation, screen orientation, and credential storage safety.

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